DCHR Hearing on B22-68, B22-128, and B22-212 with Draft Agenda

Councilmember Elissa Silverman, Chair of the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development, will hold a hearing at 10 a.m. on Monday, October 16, 2017, in Room 123 of the John A. Wilson Building (1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW) on the following items:

  • B22-68: Deferred Compensation Program Enrollment Act of 2017
  • B22-128: Jobs for District of Columbia Public School and Public Charter School Graduates Amendment Act of 2017
  • B22-212: District Government Employee Residency Amendment Act of 2017

The draft agenda and witness list are available here.


The purpose of B22-68, “Deferred Compensation Program Enrollment Act of 2017” is to make automatic enrollments into the District government’s deferred compensation program for newly hired employees of the District government.

The purpose of B22-128, “Jobs for District of Columbia Public School and  Public Charter School Graduates Amendment Act of 2017” is to require District government agencies to provide an employment preference to District of Columbia Public School and Public Charter School graduates.

The purpose of B22-212, the “District Government Employee Residency Amendment Act of 2017,” is to establish student loan repayment assistance for newly-hired District government employees who claim the District resident preference, to implement an electronic residency verification process for applicants and appointees, and to authorize the Mayor to non- competitively appoint District residents to positions with a severe shortage of candidates or a critical hiring need, and other purposes.